Quite a day, kicking off with a film crew arriving at Volans to grill me on sustainable cities, then a trip across to Accenture, then a Tube trip back during which I spotted one of the posters for the new ACME Climate Action campaign launched by Provokateur, then several other meetings, then a session at SustainAbility on Brazil, then on with Charmian (Love) to an event at Home House to celebrate the launch of the ACME campaign – and accompanying book published by Fourth Estate. Also profiled at the event was the new TAP campaign for tap water. Nice to catch up with Josh Blackburn, agent provokateur, and a bunch of other mischief makers.
Walked back to Hyde Park Corner, where I made my way down to the Tube platform, at which point Serendipity swung into action once again when I spotted someone with a TAP brochure and said hello. Turned out to be Tom Pakenham, Chief Executive of Green Tomato Cars – someone I had planned to chase down (or is it up?) for a while. When I looked at his card more closely when i got home, I was beside myself to see they’re housed at Serendib House!
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