In an era where TV seems to be doing its very best to prove the old adage, X channels and nothing on, we have been resorting to watching DVDs: Quantum of Solace, where the addition of an ‘e’ turns a Green into a villain, In Bruges, which seemed to lose a bit of momentum, but then took off towards the end, and Shine a Light, Scorsese’s film of The Stones in concert, where the highlight–for me at least–was the duet between Jagger and Christina Aguilar.
Have also been reading Caroline Murphy’s Isabella de’ Medici–slow to build, but her father Cosimo comes across as strikingly modern and liberal in some ways, at least by the standards of the time, and she seems to have been quite a handful. In the spirit of spring-cleaning, have also been moving cart-loads of books into the rooms that our painter, Andy, has repainted. Makes me realise just how behind I have got in reading the books I buy.
Otherwise, have been catching up with email, doing email interviews, catching up with old paperwork and beginning to think through upcoming presentations in Paris and New York. The weather is typical Bank Holiday fare, overcast and too cool to sit out in the garden. But the birds are wonderfully lively and various plants and shrubs are teetering on the edge of bursting into flower.
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