A week or two back, Tell Muenzing sent me this photograph of a Richard Long sculpture at the offices of Value Partners in Milano – entitled ‘Idaho Quartz Circle’, dated 1992 and using 54 stone slabs.
Astonishingly similar to the device on the front cover of our just-launched report, The Phoenix Economy.
Was particularly interested to read the profile of Long in today’s Observer Magazine. Particularly liked the spirit of the quotation at the end of the piece, that begins: “I guess I’m an opportunist, really. I go out into the world with an open mind, and I rely to a degree on intuition and chance.” Pretty much exactly my approach.
And that’s what we’re planning with the next round of our Phoenix work, this time working much more closely with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The fact that there are 54 elements in Long’s CIrcle suggests the next steps for us: building out our Phoenix 50 to a series of longer lists of innovators and entrepreneurs. More anon.
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