After breakfast with colleagues from Singapore’s Economic Development Board, who are a strategic partner of ours at Volans, I walked back to the office to finish off some writing, do a couple of meetings and then begin tidying up ahead of Monday. One of the things I did was to pin up all the painting and drawings that an American teacher, Vicki Wade, had sent me – done by her class in Alexandria, Virginia, on the basis on our long-ago book for children, Going Green. Fabulous images, thoughts and sentiments. She and successive generations of her students have done this each year for absolute ages.
Patrin (Watanatada) came over to help pinning up the pictures – and, by accident, I got a glimpse of something Sam and others had been working on for me with The Value Web. Six Value Web artists had conspired together to produce an extraordinary rendering of my life and character, though I have to say that when Ale and Sam took the wraps off the analysis seemed to be unduly forgiving of my foibles. But enormously moving, even so.
Sam captions
James Parr, Sam and I
Sam reflects
Patrin and Ale
With one of the paintings done by Vicki Wade’s children in Alexandria, VA
The great unveiling
Drinking it in
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