VIrgin mural 1, with Homo volans at join between walls
Virgin mural 2 – and again
Virgin mural 3
Virgin Galactic bike
Virgin bike logo – with Homo volans at bottom
Spent the morning with Ale at Virgin Unite’s offices in Brook Green, talking with a team from Concordia 21. As I was coming in by bus over Hammersmith Bridge, I saw the most perfect heron, standing on a tiny island, its reflection stretching away on the water. Then, as Ale and I walked to the meeting, we passed Phoenix Lodge – and I mentioned that one possible model for the original phoenix was the giant heron of southern Egypt. Then, as we walked into the Virgin reception, I saw the mural showing Homo volans – and later, as we left, we passed a Virgin Galactic motorbike that had an wonderfully elegant rendition of Homo volans through to Burt Rutan’s SpaceShip One. Quite a morning of symbolic serendipity.
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