November frieze Pink tram Hundertwasser facade 1 Hundertwasser facade 2 We two And again … Cafe floor Hundertwasser’s flag for New Zealand Condensation trail Sitting Bull Hunched eagles Hunched eagles, 2 Escher moment Franz-Joseph’s horse kicks Moon Cafe Mozart Illuminations St Stephen’s Cathedral and Moon
One of the best days I have had for ages, walking around Vienna with Elaine, visiting the Hundertwasser Haus and Museum, and the Impressionism exhibition at the Albertina. I first came across his eco-posters when a group of Swedish scientists and officials came to London in the late 1980s, to lobby the UK government on acidic emissions from sources like the old CEGB, and gave me one of his posters, ‘Save the Rain’. Also came across Walton Ford, in Pancha Tantra, whose images blew me away. Wonderful traveling on the trams. Later, we had Turkish coffee and apfelstrudel at The Café Mozart and a delightful light supper at the vegetarian Wrenkh Restaurant.
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