Lisbon airport The 2BP Magnolia blooms Birthday Sam Our Magnolia stellata blooms Flowering currant – scent of Spring Fallen sapling Ripples and raindrops Fish on bicycles 1 Fish on bicycles 2 Reeds 1 Reeds 2 Rusty predators Puddle Magnolia again
What a week! Monday involved flying to Madrid and then Lisbon, because of the BA strike, to speak at a conference on ‘Business and Poverty’. Hadn’t realised that this is European Year for Combatting Poverty and Social Exclusion. Met some wonderful people and keen to spend some sensible time in Lisbon at some point.
Otherwise, the remaining two working days were a mix of writing, meetings, A SustainAbility Board meeting (after which a bunch of us had the most delightful decompression over a couple of bottles of wine that BP found in the SA kitchen) and Sam’s birthday on 1 April, when I also fell for one of the most elaborate April Fool’s stunts I have ever come across. Well done Alex (Nick).
Have spent much of the Easter holiday writing, among other things the first of a series of Fast Company blogs to appear later in the month. Today, in fitful sun and rain, Elaine and I walked around the Barnes wetlands, which sported a number of rather delightful sculptures on wildlife themes. My favourite, by far, were the fish on bicycles. They have apparently been there for some time, but it’s been a quite a while since we last walked around.
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