Bandh clears the roads
Bridge and skyline
After the guests (or most of them) had gone
We are in India working on a new project with Bayer MaterialScience – and spend the morning at their Mumbai offices, hosted by Stefaan Gerlich. Later on, we do a teleconference with Kishor Chaukar of Tata Industries, who I know as a fellow member of the Board of the Global Reporting Initiative. We had intended to meet face-to-face, but the nation-wide strike (or Bandh) today makes travelling to some parts of the city difficult – or impossible.
In the evening, after the Bandh has wound down, we head across town to a dinner organised by Rajni (Bakshi) and hosted by Manjeet Kirpalani, who used to be the bureau chief of BusinessWeek, and is now co-founder of Gateway House, a fascinating new think-tank. Rajni’s new book, Bazaars, Conversations and Freedom, is available from Amazon, here.
Manjeet is on the far right in the final photograph above, while Richard Northcote and Azita Owlia of BMS, our companions on this trip are respectively far left and third from the left. Amy is in the pink – if I can trust my Leica. I’m looking rather formal. Outside, it was raining heavily. A wonderful welcome to this extraordinary city, happily at one remove from the agitations of today’s Bandh.
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