Jedburgh Abbey 1
Jedburgh Abbey 2
Jedburgh Abbey 3
Jedburgh Abbey 4
Jedburgh Abbey 5 (walrus ivory comb aligning with Abbey tower)
William Wallace Memorial
{art of the William Wallace memorial obscures part of Trimontium
Trimontium from Scott’s View
Dryburgh Abbey (detail)
Early part of day spent visiting Jedburgh and Dryburgh Abbeys. At the latter, a wedding was taking place, so we hovered on the edges. Then we drove up to the William Wallace Memorial and to Scott’s View. Truly strange to find Earl Haig‘s grave in Dryburgh Abbey. Sent a deep chill through me in the midst of all the nuptial keening of the pipes. The same, though to a much lesser degree, with the William Wallace memorial: poor, brave man.
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