With part of the Avina Foundation team
Taxi meter – against which I kept banging my head
Demonstration 1
Demonstration 2
Demonstration 3
Bullet scars from 1973, the driver said
Football Colours
Tango 1
Tango 2, with Christine Blondel
Tango 2, with Luciana and Fernando
Colours 2
Some of the Desparecidos
Tails somebody wins
It’s still winter
Panama hat
In the transformed Docklands
The Pink House
Tango band at the Cafe Tortoni
Tango 2
Tango 3
It is Argentina’s Bicentennial Year, I discovered when I arrived in Buenos Aires for a conference aimed at young people who are owners of multi-generational family businesses in Latin America. Organised by Banco Itaú Unibanco at the Palacio Duhau, the event was full of interesting folk – and I emerged with a strong interest in coming back – and a couple of invitations to do so.
The first day, I did a session for the Avina Foundation with around 25 people – and afterwards we went back to the Foundation’s offices, where Alejandro (Litovsky) used to work. After the event closed, Luciana Tavares Nobre Varella and her colleague Fernando from Banco Itaú Unibanco hailed a taxi and took Christine Blondel of INSEAD and I on a tour around the city – ending with supper and a tango show at the Café Tortoni. Joyous.
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