Temptress Circe awaits at the top of the Ian Potter Gallery escalator
John Davis 1
John Davis 2
Child’s finger pointing at John Davis fish
John Davis 4
John Davis 5
Haloes searching for heads
John Davis 6
Haloes again
No halo due, but missed: I shadow John Lennon at 70
Up early to do the second Qantas Foundation Lecture here at the Stamford Plaza Hotel, this time over a 90-minute breakfast. Then, in the afternoon, across to the Melbourne Business School to lead the second CSI workshop on social innovation.
In between, a phenomenal visit to the Ian Potter Gallery and the National Gallery of Victoria, where – among many other delights – we stumbled across the John Davis exhibition, Presence. Had heard of him ages ago, but had never seen his work in this way. Astounding. One title of a series of artwork he did sticks in my mind: ‘Bent on Mayhem’. Fun to see part of the exhibition with a human wave of children – who loved the diversity of the fishlife on display.
Also very taken with Objects by Mari Funaki, who died earlier this year.
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