Chairs ready for Andrea and I Birds flock over the Harbour Bridge Crushed, I thought it was called, but can’t find it on the Internet
Across to Westpac’s skyscraper this evening, to do a panel discussion with Andrea Spencer-Cooke, organised by the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). I kicked off with a private session with senior Westpac executives, then we went up one floor to the 23rd – where there was an impressive turn-out, a lively debate, an energetic discussion period and then a very interesting networking session.
Afterwards, a number of us – Simon (Longstaff), Rosemary (Sainty) and Victoria (Whitaker) from the St James Ethics Centre, Andrea, Elaine and I – went out to dinner at a restaurant at the end of the pier that houses the Sydney Theatre Company. Fascinating and extremely wide-ranging discussion. As we walked back to the Intercontinental Hotel, it was fascinating to see the seagulls flocking above the Harbour Bridge, illuminated by the spotlights and, presumably, seeking insects attracted by the lights.
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