Dublin, among other places
Carbon Leapfrog and IUCN conference Dublin: the new Samuel Beckett Bridge And in daylight Conference Centre Another electric car Inside out view Ditto Emergent uniform at SustainAbility? Chris shoots Gary Later Frances and Sam Holland Park Anish Kapoorscape
A bit of a blur of a week, signing contract for the new book, a panel discussion to launch Unilever’s new Sustainable Living Plan, chaired a panel session at the IUCN/Carbon Leapfrog conference, a trip to Dublin with flights horribly scrambled by fog at Heathrow, a Board meeting at SustainAbility, and – today – Hamlet at the National Theatre, with Rory Kinnear. Went with Carys and Mike Cooper. Quite unbelievably good. I understood the play for the first time. And the AK47s made a bunch more sense than cutlasses. Feeling like sleeping, but here comes another week; this time Rome, I think.
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