A visit to the National Museum of Anthropology
NMA 1: flying dancers NMA 2: Aztec Viagra NMA 3: skull NMA 4: Five figures and me NMA 5: Two hats NMA 6: God of war NMA 7: Passers by NMA 8: Hovering, like the Mekon NMA 9: Contortions NMA 10: Peyote jar NMA 11: Sacrificial altar
Having arrived in Mexico City last night, I had thought I would spend much of today writing, but Maurico Bonilla–who I first met when he was a student in 2003 at Imperial College, arrived for a coffee–and we decided to go for a walk through nearby Chapultepec Park. Among other things, he is Editor of ReConnecta, a sustainability-oriented newsletter and website based in Mexico City.
We went first to an art gallery, then on to the National Museum of Anthropology, which was one of the most exciting museums I have been in anywhere in the world. Granted many of the objects aregruesome, having to do with various forms of human sacrifice, but the presentation is wonderfully done. Probably the most striking single object is the Aztec Stone of the Sun, which is apparently not a good thing to be photographed near, but that wasn’t deterring various folk from being shot against it.
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