A display of WWF Panda collecting boxes, that align and track you
Astrid and Sarah heading downstairs
Panda cut-out
Safari hats in a learning centre
The carpet is by Interface, the focus of our first Breakthrough Case
Sarah dubbed these ‘The Daleks’
Roofspace (detail)
Two big stories today: Scotland’s vote on independence and, big news in our corner of the universe, the soft launch of our new book, The Breakthrough Challenge.
Took the train south to Woking this morning, with our new Breakthrough team member, Astrid Hogsted. Have been a member of WWF’s Council of Ambassadors for almost 10 years and had been invited to give a speech at WWF’s Living Planet Centre, as part of their Learning Week.
Greeted and briefed over a sandwich lunch by Sarah Brunwin and Stuart Poore. Although I had seen a model of the building at one of the Council meetings in London, this was the first time I had visited: very impressive.
Also came across the slightly spooky Panda Eyes artwork made of WWF Panda collecting boxes. Created as part of the Pandamonium initiative last year. When you first hove in view, they are looking every which way. As you get closer, though, they all turn to watch you.
A very encouraging reception from the audience – and several invitations to come back and help with thinking through the implications of the Breakthrough Decade for NGOs like WWF. Keen to see how this could play out.
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