Quite a day, kicking off with a Megatrends session at the NEXUS Europe Youth Summit at One Whitehall Place, where I had come last night for an International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) event. I spoke alongside Anne Lise Kjaer and John Straw, and met some fascinating people, both known and new, including Benjamin Hennig of Worldmapper – who did the world map featured on the front cover of our new report, The Stretch Agenda: Breakthrough in the Boardroom. We owe him quite a debt of gratitude.
Then raced back to the office, at one stage literally running through the streets of Covent Garden after our taxi got stuck in solid state traffic, for a UN Global Compact webinar on ‘Board Adoption and Oversight of Corporate Sustainability.’ This was part of the Global Compact’s Board Programme, where I am now involved. The other speakers were Martin Reeves of the Boston Consulting Group and Dianne Dillon-Ridgley, former Board Director at Interface. A huge new agenda emerging here – and our Stretch Agenda seems well placed to be helpful.
Next, after some work on things like my latest round of columns/bolgs and my Tata presentation for Mumbai next week, I travelled across to the Royal Exchange for my first meeting as Chair of the Social Stock Exchange‘s Admissions Panel. Great people, fascinating discussion – and a reminder of some of the challenges that this field faces in reaching true scale, both in terms of revenues and social impact.
Then home for quiet dinner with Elaine and Jane Davenport, a friend from the early 1960s. As I walked back past Barnes Pond, a woman pointed me towards a pair of swans sitting on the Green, like bookends on either side of four fluffy cygnets. Delightful.
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