Week started in New York, where the city was on high alert following a bomb attack. Reminded me of when we went to the World Economic Forum summit in NYC early in 2002, shortly after 9/11.
Spoke at the UN Global Compact event ahead of the Private Sector Forum, launching our new Project Breakthrough platform and website. Thrilled with the way it has all come together.
Interested to hear people like Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau, film-maker Richard Curtis and actor Ewan McGregor speak.
Then out to JFK for slight to SFO. A joy to find myself sitting alongside photographer David Maisel, whose work I had long known and admired. Enjoyed a 5-hour conversation ranging across multiple dimensions.
VERGE, in Santa Clara, also turned out to be a joy. I took part in a panel on the Internet of Things, chaired by Chris Coulter of GlobeScan, then the next day did a plenary session alongside Joel Makower. Significant moment in the middle of the session where Joel offered a fist-bump, and I didn’t take it up due to cultural gaps. We did a 101 later.
Have been reading Ramez Naam‘s brilliant sci-fi trilogy (Nexus, Crux, Apex), so if you had asked me who I wanted to meet ion the Bay Area he would have been high on the list. We spoke immediately after his speech – and he came up to compliment me after ours.
Am leaving for Copenhagen tomorrow morning, so no time to elaborate, but other highlights included a visit on my last day to (Google) X, where I met Sarah Hunter. Also had a fascinating session with Globality, including co-founder Joel Hyatt.
Yesterday, Saturday, I took the CalTrain up to Millbrae, where Ian Keay picked me up. After also picking up his wife Alda (Angst), we drove in their BMW i3 electric car to Mission Bay and The Ramp restaurant. Two Anchor Steam beers and magnificent fish and chips.
Then they drove me out to SFO, past a blazing car, for the flight back to London.
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