Just touching down after experiencing probably the best Sixties exhibition ever: Revolution: Records and Rebels, at the V&A. As Elaine and I were leaving, I wrote a message in the Visitors’ Book: “Remembered so much that I can’t have been there!”
The flashbacks were continuous: Beatles, Stones, Byrds, Fairport Convention (with at least four of their album covers displayed, including What We Did On Our Holidays, with the Essex University towers in the background and Martin Lindsay peering over the battlements), the My Lai massacre and the Kent State killings, Woodstock, Jimmie Hendrix’s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, tassled buckskin jackets, The fool poised I have in my study, Stewart Brand in his feathered hat, The Whole Earth Catalog, Moshie Safdie, Buckminster Fuller, and so ever on.
Outside the exhibition, there was a stand for children to write their own protest posters and banners. I liked the WE WANT “More of Everything!” banner on display. When I asked a young woman running the stand what her favourite was, she said it was: WE WANT “More Waffles, Less Broccoli!” That would have been a winner, even back in the day …
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