Quite a week. Apart from anything else, there have been the chemical and cruise missile attacks in Syria. Meanwhile, the skies have been blue and my social calendar has been in overdrive.
Monday involved a trip across to Oxford and the Skoll World Forum, for an evening in celebration of the Pamela Hartigan. Tuesday, after a seminar by Adrian Gault (Chief Economist, Committee on Climate Change) at UCL on the UK Carbon Budget, involved a delightful dinner with Paul Ekins. Then Friday evening took us to Zédel with two cousins. And last night was a much quieter evening (including padded walls) at the new Keeper’s House restaurant under the Royal Academy of Arts, this time with Debra Dunn.
And through it all I have been reading an astonishing novel, Sebastian Barry’s Days Without End. Remarkable use of language – and existentially unsettling insights into the horror of the wresting of the Old West from the tribes that had made them home.
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