Tidying up my desktop, I came across these photos from recent days and weeks, reminders of ongoing family adventures, the evolution of the Volans teams (with Yinka Awoyinka and Clover Hogan have recently joined) and a delightful evening at the V&A on Friday 20 April.
Hannah Jones, Chief Sustainability Officer at Nike, who I have known for some 20 years, gave an excellent talk at the V&A on sustainability and fashion. Early on, she called out our role in launching the Triple Bottom Line all those years ago. Nice opportunity afterwards to catch up with people like Andrew Morlet of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Solitaire Townsend of Futerra, and to meet some new folk.
Weather quite hot for Britain at the moment, so when we arrived children were splashing around in the water feature at the heart of the V&A’s inner court. Was tempted to join them.
But recalled what happened many years ago when I was photographing young black children dashing in and out of a water future in Atlanta, when I was taking a break from a coffee conference where I was due to speak. A bicycle cop rode up to say there had been questions raised – though when he heard by British accent he laughed and pedalled off.

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