Thank you our European friends and colleagues for their messages of support and commiseration yesterday.
History helps, a bit. It has happened not just once before, but several times. There was Henry VIII, of course. And then the Parliamentarians (aka Roundheads) took over the country during the Interregnum period, following the English Civil War. We endured the Protectorate Parliaments. Ultimately, Oliver Cromwell did no better than Charles I in handling parliaments.
So is this another interregnum? Might the wounds inflicted by Johnson, Gove et al never fully heal? Might their bulldozing of the expressed interests of half the nation (and latent interest of much of the rest) prove to have been a self-inflicted wound for these narcissistic ideologues?
Who knows. But if this prove to be the case, the anti-EU rebels might usefully ponder Cromwell’s posthumous fate, his exhumed body hanging in chains. We don’t do such things any more, but reputations arrive on foot – but can depart on horseback, as they used to say.
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