Elaine and I trained across to Poole on Wednesday, to pick up a cab to Spettisbury, where we were due to stay overnight. Walked along the old railway track behind the village, spotting very-low-flying buzzard and a skittish stoat, or similar, before pottering around the Stour water meadows, mill and the like.
Then across to Bryanston this morning, where we were greeted, among others, by Amanda Lovejoy and by the new head of school, Richard Jones. A couple of hundred students, at a rough count, took part in this Green Conference, whose theme was ‘What does regeneration look like?’. Many, perhaps most, of the students came from green and climate clubs in participating schools, a number of them from the state sector.
Spoke alongside Julia Hailes, my longstanding colleague and friend, and two of her sons, Connor Bryant (who talked about his Rubbish Project) and Monty Bryant (PeoplePower.fi). Among others taking part were Giles Davies of Conservation Capital, who has three children at the school, and Nick Radford of the Wildlife Conservation Society, working in the Congo Basin. Two prefects, Bella and Emily, had organised – and we were very impressed.
(Though we’re pondering how it might be done to even greater effect next time around.)
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