Elaine and I cabbed across to Kew Gardens this morning to accompany Hania, Jake and Gene to the Children’s Garden, the Palm House, the Lily House, and the like. Was blown away by the design of the children’s area, where we were allowed to come in as grandparents – but would not otherwise have been able to experience.
Quite remarkably well designed and run. And amazing smells from the flowers and the gum trees. Very taken with The Singing Hollow, where you stick your whole head into a hole in a rock pillar and hum. A sense of what it must have been like for our ancestors inside the great cavities where they painted those early masterpieces of cave art.
A nearby sign said that there were humming hollows in Malta and in medieval cathedrals in the south of France. Amazing sensation, though Gene didn’t like it at all. One sensed, though, that he would have made his way back there before too long …
Fell into conversion with a woman who was originally from Tipperary and comes across to the play area from North London with her granddaughter every week. I’m not surprised.
Lovely sunshine, through a fair amount of cloud, and a sense of the summer shading into autumn and winter. But the grass and many of the trees are looking much revived after recent rain, though a fair few trees are still dead or in need of intensive care after the drought.
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