Across to 999 3rd Avenue, Manhattan, for the 10th anniversary celebration for The B Team. The message: ‘Time to be Bold’. Couple of hundred people, many of whom I knew, and wall-to-wall conversation with interesting folk. Then I was somewhat bouleversé when Jean Oelwang, who runs Richard Branson’s charitable arm, Virgin Unite, name-checked me from the stage.
One result was that there were queues to talk to me afterwards. Not a situation I particularly enjoy, but nice to be acknowledged. What with things like a lunch with Paul Bunje of Conservation X Labs and a second jaunt to a wine shop in Grand Central Station, to buy a bottle of a Quivira wine for Elaine (according to this blog, we visited the Sonoma Valley winery on 11 April, 2005), I walked around 100 city blocks today – and the walk home was marked by thumping rain. Thank heavens I had brought a large umbrella.
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