What a joy to take part this evening in a virtual celebration of the life and work of futurist and green economist Hazel Henderson. I spoke alongside the likes of Amory Lovins, Fritjof Capra, Kate Raworth and Ralph Nader.
I first encountered Hazel back in the 1980s, via The Other Economic Summit (TOES) initiative, of which I was part. More recently, I was a member of her Advisory Board at Ethical Markets Media.
Afterwards, Elaine and I went across to the Conduit Club for a reception for impact investors, where we caught up with people like Mark Campanale of Carbon Tracker and Planet Tracker, and Clare Brook of Blue Marine Foundation. Warm thanks to our hosts, John Ditchfield and Matt Coppin of Impact Lens, like the Trackers also based at the Conduit shortly to become Harmonic, who Elaine and I had had an afternoon session with on our own finances.
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