The second day of South Summit Madrid was at La Nave. Yesterday had ended with a dinner on the outskirts of the city with an astonishingly wealthy family, with an impressive art collection, but with smoke from the barbecue drifting across the landscape just after a I had seen the terrified eyes of cattle in a giant truck speeding to the abattoir. After a while, I turned tail and headed back to the hotel thanks to an Uber wage slave.
Enjoyed my session with Lara Birkes, who has sent me the photo below of Tickling Sharks at her home in Paradise Valley, Montana. Audience here was much smaller than we had in Brazil, so not sure whether that reflects competing attractions or different national priorities. Then a bunch of conversations and a small lunch hosted by María Benjumea – before zooming out to airport and, eventually, home.
Overall, a fantastic trip – and met some fascinating new people. One who I had met before, Booking.com founder Jeff Hoffman, and I had a fascinating conversation as we were ferried out to La Nave – which has further stimulated my thinking on what needs to happen next with the whole ESG, impact and sustainability space. Serendipity at work, again.

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