Deep, vexing irony today in that I was meant to attend (as a co-founder) a 30th anniversary celebration at the House of Lords this evening for Environmental Data Services (ENDS), hosted by Michael Heseltine, whose company bought ENDS a while back. But because we are in the midst of setting up a new venture, Volans, we have been hugely distracted – and found late today that we have been running parallel calendars, so I was double-booked.
Everyone had left ENDS by the time we discovered the problem, so I had to decide which fork in the road to take. Unusually, I took the family fork, for dinner at Livebait in Covent Garden with Elaine, Gaia, Hania and Elaine’s sister Christine. G and H had invited us to share some quite extraordinary news about their collaborative film script-writing. More anon, when it’s public.
In the meantime, even if remotely, my very best wishes to the ENDS team, particularly David Layton, the late great Max Nicholson and Georgina McAughtry – and in memory of the late, magnificent Marek Mayer.